Vector-deductive Faults-as-Address Simulation


  • Anna Hahanova



vector computing, vector form of logic, matrix of deductive vectors, deductive-vector fault-as-address simulation, read-write transaction, vector model of input faults, functions and structures, sequencer of vector deductive fault simulation


The main idea is to create logic-free vector simulation, based on only read-write transactions on address memory. Stuck-at fault vector simulation is leveraged as a technology for assessing the quality of tests for complex IP-cores implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). The main task is to implement new simple and reliable models and methods of vector computing based on primitive read-write transactions in the technology of vector flexible interpretive fault simulation. Vector computing is a computational process based on read-write transactions on bits of a binary vector of functionality, where the input data is the addresses of the bits. A vector-deductive method for the synthesis of vectors for propagating input fault lists is proposed, which has a quadratic computational complexity. Analytical expressions of logic that require algorithmically complex computing are replaced by vectors of output states of elements and digital circuits. A new matrix of deductive vectors is synthesized, which is characterized by the following properties: compactness, parallel data processing based on a single read–write transaction in memory, exclusion of traditional logic from fault simulation procedures, full automation of its synthesis process, and focus on the technological solving of many technical diagnostics problems. A new structure of the sequencer for vector deductive fault simulation is proposed, which is characterized by ease of implementation on a single memory block. It eliminates any traditional logic, uses data read-write transactions in memory to form an output fault vector, uses data as addresses to process the data itself.


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How to Cite

Hahanova, A. (2023). Vector-deductive Faults-as-Address Simulation. International Journal of Computing, 22(3), 328-334.


